Friday, 10 October 2014

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Parabolem I: And then winter comes

When I think of winter, I am skating.
I shoot o’er smooth ice, a dart, a moment.
I turn, spin and dash long past sun’s fading.
When I think of winter, I make snowmen.
The snow sparkles, crunches as I roll balls.
Coal smiles, twigs wave on my icy humans.
When I think of winter, I deck the halls,
Wrap presents, sing songs. An end to waiting
Comes that bright morning. Peace, goodwill to all.

I dream of snuggling, hot chocolate in hand,
Watching flakes, like marshmallows, drift and dance
I dream of sleds whipping along the land.
Snow spraying, now bailing, downhill advance.

And then winter comes

I dread the dark, the early, endless night
Waking without seeing, sunless fumbling.
I dread icy patches hiding from sight.
Sliding, jerking, jolting, twisting, tumbling.

When I live in winter, I bow my head
To the whipping, biting wind. Ice inside
My lungs. My soul, my bones shaking with dread.
When I live in winter, I try to hide
In layers, but cold is all devouring.
Nostrils freeze, skin numbs, bites, burns when outside.
When I live in winter, I am scouring.
Flesh burns, freezes to make a path to tread.
When done, it snows. I flee crazed, cowering.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

New Form: Parabolem

The Parabolem

 An attempt to merge the precision and symmetry of mathematics with the creative expression of poetry.

Stanzas and Lines
- 5 stanzas of varying length:
       1st 9 lines
       2nd 4 lines
       3rd 1 line
       4th 4 lines
       5th 9 lines.
- Poem is either title-less or uses the 3rd stanza as its title.

Rhyme and Meter
- 1st and 5th stanzas are terza rima, each with three unique line endings.
 2nd and 4th stanzas are quatrains formed of two rhyming couplets.
 Line length should be consistent throughout the poem, with a minimum of 6 syllables/beats per line.

 The 3rd stanza is the central idea of the poem. It can be a word, phrase, or sentence and is the one exception to the line length rule.
 To reflect the mathematical nature of this poem the two stanzas on either side of the center are thematic opposites. For example: pessimistic/optimistic, past/future, natural/supernatural, etc.
- The purpose is up to the poet. One can choose to describe, react, praise, etc. as long as the previous thematic rules are kept.
- Thematic examples:   
BEFORE                NEGATIVE
BEFORE                NEGATIVE
EVENT                   ISSUE
AFTER                   POSITIVE
AFTER                   POSITIVE

Created by Tyler Letkeman on August 23rd 2014.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Am I?

Am I a winter's day?
Am I a watermelon?
Am I a dog off its leash?
Am I the rind, the pulp or the juice?
Am I a metaphor or a simile?
Am I a one-way street or a cul-de-sac?
Am I a french fry or an onion ring?
Am I snoring?
Am I too full of the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way?